
ASP.NET Identity deep dive - Part 5 (Sending email)

12 minute read

This article is one of a number of articles I will write over the coming month and will go into depth about the ASP.NET Identity system. My outline thus far: Project setup. Account registration. Signing in and out with a username and password. Password reset. Email confirmations. Social logins. Two-factor authentication. Going passwordless with magic links. Today is the fin...

ASP.NET Identity deep dive - Part 4 (Password reset)

7 minute read

This article is one of a number of articles I will write over the coming month and will go into depth about the ASP.NET Identity system. My outline thus far: Project setup. Account registration. Signing in and out with a username and password. Password reset. Email confirmations. Social logins. Two-factor authentication. Going passwordless with magic links. I’ve already imp...

ASP.NET Identity deep dive - Part 3 (Authentication)

7 minute read

This article is one of a number of articles I will write over the coming month and will go into depth about the ASP.NET Identity system. My outline thus far: Project setup. Account registration. Signing in and out with a username and password. Password reset. Email confirmations. Social logins. Two-factor authentication. Going passwordless with magic links. Today, I’m tackl...

ASP.NET Identity deep dive - Part 2 (Registration)

13 minute read

This article is one of a number of articles I will write over the coming month and will go into depth about the ASP.NET Identity system. My outline thus far: Project setup. Account registration. Signing in and out with a username and password. Password reset. Email confirmations. Social logins. Two-factor authentication. Going passwordless with magic links. As you may remem...

ASP.NET Identity deep dive - Part 1 (Project setup)

8 minute read

You may have noticed that I included ASP.NET Identity in a project a couple of posts ago. I’m currently doing a deep dive into ASP.NET Identity with an eye towards an OIDC identity service based on OpenIddict. Identity is a complex topic and I still recommend that developers integrate another service rather than write their own: Keycloak is a good option if you have to store your own data...